A root canal is a common procedure that is highly effective and safe. They may be necessary when your tooth is damaged or infected. The procedure involves removing the pulp, the innermost portion of your tooth. Many people avoid getting a root canal, but you should not wait to get the procedure if your dentist recommends it. If you have concerns about the procedure, consider the top 10 root canal benefits below.
Top 10 Root Canal Benefits
Root canals are safe and effective in addressing infections or tooth damage. The procedure comes with a variety of benefits, so consider the following if you need a root canal.
Pain-Free Procedure:
A root canal in Cedar Rapids is a pain-free procedure. Before the procedure begins, the area around the tooth being treated will be numbed. You may feel some pressure, but you will not experience any pain. Once the numbing wears off you may experience some pain, but this is normal and can be effectively managed with over-the-counter medication.
Prevents Further Damage:
Infected teeth can impact the surrounding teeth and cause further oral health issues. This can lead to expensive and costly treatments. However, a root canal can stop the issue and prevent it from spreading to other areas in your mouth.
Alleviates Pain:
Many people who need a root canal experience a lot of pain and discomfort. Tooth infections and trauma can result in pain without treatment. A root canal can actually alleviate that pain and discomfort as it eliminates the source of the pain.
Eliminates Temperature Sensitivity:
A damaged or infected tooth can cause temperature sensitivity. This can impact your eating and drinking habits due to how painful it can be. A root canal can eliminate temperature sensitivity caused by the damaged or infected tooth.
Prevents Shifting:
A damaged or infected tooth that is left untreated can lead to teeth shifting. This can lead to serious issues with your bite and can even cause jaw pain. Getting a root canal promptly after it is recommended can help prevent your teeth from shifting.
Fast and Smooth Procedure:
Getting a root canal is generally a quick and smooth procedure. A root canal on one tooth should not take more than one hour. Additionally, you can get back to your daily routine the same day as you don’t need to spend days recovering.
Preserves Natural Tooth:
Preserving your natural teeth is important for your long-term oral health. A root canal can save your natural tooth and only remove the pulp, the innermost portion. The pulp is not necessary in adulthood and can be easily removed without issue. Tooth replacement options can be expensive, so a root canal can be cost-effective when it comes to your oral health.
Low Maintenance Treatment:
Maintaining your results after a root canal involves a consistent daily oral care routine and regular dental visits. This includes brushing at least twice a day for two minutes with a soft-bristled toothbrush. You should also floss at least once a day and use mouthwash to rinse your mouth out after eating if you cannot brush. It is recommended that adults visit the dentist in Cedar Rapids at least every six months as well.
Cost-Effective Treatment:
Avoiding a root canal can lead to a number of issues. This can be expensive and lead to a large dental bill. Getting the recommended treatment and focusing on preventative measures afterward can ensure the success of your long-term oral health.
Insurance Coverage:
Many insurance plans cover, at least in part, root canal treatment. This can help make it more affordable and easier to access if you need to get a root canal.