A root canal is a common restorative dental procedure. It is an effective treatment if your tooth is infected or damaged. The procedure involves the removal of the innermost portion of your tooth. The innermost portion of your tooth is referred to as the pulp and is made up of blood vessels, nerves, and other connective tissues. Once the pulp is removed it eliminates the unwanted symptoms associated with an infection or trauma. It can also ensure your oral health stays in good shape. Below, you will find the top 7 reasons to need a root canal.
Top 7 reasons to need a root canal
If left untreated, a damaged or infected tooth can cause serious oral health issues. It can also cause issues with your overall health in severe cases. A root canal can improve your oral health if it is necessary. The benefit of a root canal is that it preserves your natural tooth. Consider the following reasons why you may need a root canal.
Tooth Sensitivity:
Tooth sensitivity that occurs when you consume hot or cold foods can indicate a serious oral health issue. The sensitivity can range from a dull ache to a sharp pain. In both cases, it’s advisable to consult with a dentist. This type of sensitivity is often associated with damage or infection to the pulp (the innermost portion) of your teeth. In that case, root canal therapy may be necessary.
Persistent Pain:
Tooth pain that does not go away may require a root canal. The aches and pains can still be persistent even if they just ebb and flow. In fact, you may feel a diverse range of pain. However, if your pain persists for more than a week or two, it’s time to contact a dental professional.
Tooth Discoloration:
Discoloration can occur for a variety of reasons. One of the common reasons is due to an infection in the pulp of your tooth. The pulp is the innermost portion of your tooth where blood vessels, nerves, and other connective tissues. When the pulp does not have an adequate blood supply, it can lead to discoloration. This requires intervention from a dentist in Cedar Rapids.
Red and Swollen Gums:
Your gums should always be firm and a pinkish color. Anything other than this indicates that there is an issue. Red and swollen gums are a cause for concern and should be evaluated by a dental professional. This is because it can indicate issues with your tooth’s pulp and may require a root canal.
Pain While Eating:
You should not experience tooth pain while eating. If you do, it may be an indication that you need a root canal. The pressure caused by chewing and biting down can be painful if your tooth is infected. An infection in the pulp of your tooth requires a root canal. This will alleviate the pain and ensure your oral health stays in good shape.
Loose Teeth:
An infection in your tooth can damage the surrounding structure of your tooth. This includes the tissue, bone, and your gums. Once the infection spreads to these areas it can result in loose teeth. If left untreated, it can result in tooth loss. If you experience loose teeth, consult with a dental professional right away.
Chipped or Cracked Teeth:
Chips and cracks can increase your risk of infection. Once an infection reaches the pulp of your tooth, serious damage can occur. A root canal is necessary to address the issue. Without treatment, it can impact the surrounding structures of your teeth and even result in potential oral and overall health issues.